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  • Exporter & Manufacturer of Dried Flowers


Twister and curls

The flora and foliage of dried flower bouquets get an appealing look when mingled with an array of twists and curls like dried stems and roots. This collection can be showcased in a distinctive vase. It sets ecstasy and resplendence in a sublimed layout.

Dried roots and stems of different plants supported with bamboo are integrated to form our exclusive collection of twisters and curls. Canes, grass, coconut stripes, Shabu sticks are crafted in different forms and shapes to make an eclectic bouquet of dry flowers.

Coils are designed to chic in a twisted form. Cone and spring bunches are elated and modish makeover. Six Fingers and Lasers are a contemporary boom to complement the stylish refashioning. Pillar twist and whirls are some other top-selling pieces under this category. Twister and curls are known as Twister et boucles, Twister und Locken, Twister y rizos, Twister e cachos in different language.

We are one of the leading bulk traders and manufacturers of natural dry flower catering across Europe, Germany, Australia, the USA, and Canada. We have an array of updated collection, which is marketed after a thorough quality check. Hence, the longevity of each product is higher. Scroll down to checkout.

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  • Jumboo Cane Cone

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  • Shanu Coil

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  • Shanu Cone

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  • Shabu Cone

    Shabu Cone

  • Shabu Spring

    Shabu Spring

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